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OFSTED Guidance and Support

Ofsted and the Primary PE & Sport Premium

Quality of Education

‘Leaders adopt or construct a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all pupils….the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life’.  (PE Conference Keynote and Ofsted Support workshops, PE Specialist Teacher visit)

‘The curriculum is successfully adapted, designed or developed to be ambitious and meet the needs of pupils with SEND, developing their knowledge skills and abilities…..’ (PSSP Action Plan)

‘Teachers have good knowledge of the subject(s) and courses they teach. Leaders provide effective support for those teaching outside the main areas of expertise…’ (CPD from PE Specialist Teacher)

Personal Development

‘The school consistently promotes the extensive personal development pupils….pupils have access to a wide, rich set of experiences. Opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests are of exceptional quality.’ (Coaching Days)

‘There is a strong take-up by pupils of the opportunities provided by the school. The most disadvantaged pupils consistently benefit from this excellent work. (Inclusion/SEND Events/CPD Opportuities)

The school provides these rich experiences in a coherently planned way, in the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities, and they considerable strengthen the school’s offer.’ (PSSP Extra-Curricular Clubs, Bikeability, Partnership Events, Family Cluster Events, Leadership Opportunities)

The way the school goes about developing pupil’ character is exemplary and is worthy of being shared with others (PSSP Leadership and Volunteering Programme)

Ofsted assesses how primary schools use the primary PE and sport premium.  They measure its impact on pupil outcomes and how effectively governors hold school leaders to account for this.

To assist you with reporting, we have annotated the opportunities in a Reporting letter to show how they link to the five key indicators, set by the Government in order for schools to secure improvements which is sent to schools on a half-termly basis.


Key Indicator 1                 “the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity”

Key Indicator 2                 “the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement”

Key Indicator 3                 “increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport”

Key Indicator 4                 “broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils”

Key Indicator 5                 “increased participation in competitive sport”

Details of how you spend your PE and sport premium funding should be on your school website by the end of the summer term or by 31 July 2021 at the latest.  For more information about the PE and sport premium, please visit the GOV.UK website.

Please visit the Resources section of the website to view our 'Ofsted Survival Document'                                     

Who to contact

Anna Clooke

Partnership Leader

Telephone: 07731471023

Mobile: 07731 471023
