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Inclusive Calendar Programme

Inclusion Calendar Programme

We have an established programme of Football and Boccia that runs termly throughout the year for both Primary and Secondary Schools. There are other events that take place at regular intervals over the course of the year such as Archery, Rowing and New Age Kurling. Bespoke sessions for schools can be arranged by contacting Claire Cormack: we can provide taster sessions in Boccia/ New Age Kurling or Goal Ball. If you have something else in mind - just contact Claire to discuss. We are also working closely with Plymouth Fusion Wheelchair Basketball to offer taster sessions or lessons – please contact me for more information.

Booking for any events are taken through the main ‘Events’ page and all dates for each event can be found on the attached PDF file.

Please read the event information carefully to check for any eligibility specifications.


"The children came and told me what a wonderful time they had!

Our member of staff also said it was one of the most relaxed and calming events he has been to, which made the children feel confident and comfortable - thank you for organising such a fun-packed hour!"

Compton Primary 2021 - Inclusion Rowing event


"Our guys really enjoyed it, and it was wonderful to see our boys and girls just switching off from all they have going on in the lives at the moment, and having fun for a couple of hours – thank you so much, it really was amazing today!...Totally blown aware by our young man today who achieved most of our goals, it was fabulous to see him shine today and achieve what he thought was impossible. At the beginning of the week, he didn’t want to come... We’re so proud of all of them today and facing their own personal challenges!"

St. George's C of E Primary 2021 - Inclusion Football event


"...they have had lots of fun with you this morning and came back to school, grinning from ear to ear - thank you so much!"

Thornbury Primary 2022 - Inclusion Boccia event

"I hate football but I have loved today!"

Student from Tor Bridge High 2023 - Secondary Inclusion Football event


“Thanks again for today. I’ve had a parent message saying her child loved today and can’t stop talking about it.

St. Edward’s CofE Primary School 2023 – Inclusion New Age Kurling event

Who to contact

Claire Cormack

PE Specialist Teacher for Tor Bridge Cluster, Responsible for Partnership Mainstream SEN

Mobile:07932 460256